Introduction In the suspenseful and emotionally charged thriller " Trigger Warning ," director Mouly Surya takes the audience on a riveting journey through grief, mystery, and the relentless pursuit of truth. This film, penned by John Brancato, Josh Olson, and Halley Wegryn Gross, features a stellar cast led by Jessica Alba, Mark Webber, and Anthony Michael Hall. As the story unfolds, viewers are drawn into the tumultuous world of a devoted daughter determined to uncover the circumstances surrounding her father's untimely death. Plot Summary "Trigger Warning" centers on Jessica Alba's character, Emma Mills, a woman who is grappling with the sudden loss of her father. Her father, a seemingly ordinary man with no known enemies, dies under mysterious circumstances. As Emma delves deeper into the investigation, she discovers that her father's life was far more complex and dangerous than she ever imagined. The narrative is a masterful blend of suspense and ...